Halifax Hawks “New 2-U”
Equipment Sale Day on Sep 9, was a great success
The Event was
led by Chris Harrington, Christine Saulnier and Jodi Tsitouras of the Hawks Executive*, with the supportive volunteer cast
of Heather Sutherland, Bernadine MacAulay*, Peter Sullivan, Paul Taylar, and Stan & Donna Hennigar.
Thank You's at the outset are extended to the following folks who donated hockey gear for the sale, which generated almost
$300: Joseph Ghosn, Jim Bethune, Bernadine MacAulay, Kerry Hodgson, Charles & Andrew Leonard, David Beattie, Alan
& Kyla Hennigar, Ian Grant, Conrad Fernandez, Kyle LeBlanc, Mark Maxwell, Gary Powell, Neil Grewal, Susan & Jordan
Bonang, Paul Tomcik, Brian Woods, Cindy Riguse, Mike Trifos, Todd Beaver and more.
claimed by Richard Jordan, who has graciously donated the funds back to the Hawks.
Thank You also to Brian Emanuel of M&M Meat Shops for giving his time and
providing the equipment for serving up those awesome burgers and dogs (be sure to keep M&M's in mind the next time
you're thinking of firing up the BBQ!)
Notable thanks to the many who rented tables for the Event -- we hope you
were pleased with the sales made from the Hawks Annual Gear Sale!
We would be remiss to not extend thanks to our dedicated
friends at the Hawks home arena, Jack and Stuart Poteri, who graciously agreed to allow the event to happen simultaneously
with the first day of Tryouts!
Finally, thank YOU for responding so positively to the Event and for coming out in
supporting the fundraiser in whatever way you did!! This first annual event raised $731.37 (... and financial donations
are still MOST welcome - contact Christine at 455-1877 should you wish help this event grow!!) As you all know,
this money will go towards helping kids play this year with the Hawks whom, without some financial support, may not
otherwise be able to play hockey this year.
Thanks again and we will see you again next year at the 2nd Annual ....
- Carter Harrington, age 8, bought his very first Official's Jersey at the sale from the Chisholm family, but unfortunately
misplaced it. If you have it, please get in touch with Chris at 443-5883. Thanks