- To conduct, foster, promote, organize and instigate actions for the provision of minor hockey in the community for players
in the age groups defined for minor hockey by the Canadian Hockey Association.
- To organize and administer in-house leagues and representative teams for interassociation competition.
- To comply with the Memorandum of Association and By-Laws and Regulations of the Canadian Hockey Association and the Nova
Scotia Minor Hockey Council.
- To organize, develop, and conduct programs designed to develop the individual skills of its players.
- To foster and encourage good sportsmanship.
- To acquire and take purchase, donation, devise, bequest or otherwise personal property and hold, enjoy, sell, exchange,
lease, let, improve and develop the same.
- To contract and be contracted with and sue or be sued in its corporate name.
- To use its funds and property for the attainment of its objects and purposes.
- To borrow, raise and secure the payment of money in such manner as it thinks fit, to issue debentures or mortgage its
real property to secure the payment of money borrowed by it.
- To draw, make, accept, endorse, discount, executive and issue promissory notes, bills of exchange and other negotiable
or transferable instruments.
- To subscribe to or become a member of any other society or association whether incorporated or not whose objects are in
the whole or in part similar to its own objects.
- To do all such other things and acts as are incidental to or conducive to or consequential upon the exercise of its powers
or the attainment of its objects.
13. To encourage participation in the Halifax Hawks Minor Hockey Association by as many persons as possible.
PROVIDED that nothing herein contained shall permit the Society to carry on any trade, industry, or business and the Society
shall be carried on without purpose of gain to any of the members and that any surplus or any accretions of the Society shall
be used solely for the purpose of the Society and the promotion of its objects.
PROVIDED, further, that if for any reason the operations of the Society are terminated or are wound up, or are dissolved
and there remains, at the time, after satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall
be paid to some other charitable organizations in Canada, having objects similar to those of the Society.