- Any members of good standing of the Association shall be eligible for election of the Executive Committee of the Association.
b)(i) Any member, of good standing, of the Executive Committee for the past year shall be eligible for election
to the Board of Directors of the Association, except for office of President.
b)(ii) Notwithstanding Article 3(1)(b)(i), in the event that no eligible person as defined in Article 3(1)(b)(i)
is available to stand for election to a vacant position on the Board of Directors, any member, of good standing, of the Association
for the past two (2) years shall be eligible for election to the Board of Directors providing he/she receives not less than
a majority vote of any such members entitled to vote as are present in person or by proxy.
c)(i) Any member of good standing, of the Executive Committee for the past two (2) years, shall be eligible
for election to the office of the President.
c)(ii) Notwithstanding Article 3(1)(c)(i), in the event that no eligible person as defined in Article 3(1)(c)(I)
is available to stand for election to the office of President, any member in good standing, of the Association for the past
two (2) years shall be eligible for election to the office of President providing he/she receives not less than a majority
vote as are present in person or by proxy.
d)(i) Any person elected in accordance with Article 3(1)(b)(ii) or 3(1)(c)(ii) shall be elected for a term
of one (1) year.
d)(ii) To elect a person to an office in accordance with Article 3(1)(b)(ii) or 3(1)(c)(ii) a vote of the
members entitled to vote as are present in person or by proxy must be held. No one can be placed in these positions by acclamation.
- A member who is granted a years leave of absence and returns the following year, shall be entitled to claim his or her
previous years service.
- The President and Vice President in charge of Recreational Teams shall stand for office in 1990 and every even year thereafter,
and shall be elected for a period of two (2) years thence elected for two (2) year terms thereafter.
- The Vice President in charge of Rep Teams and Vice President in charge of Administration shall stand for office in 1990
for a one (1) year period and then stand for office again in 1991 and every odd year thereafter and shall be elected for a
period of two (2) years and thence elected for two (2) year terms thereafter.
h)(i) All other positions of the Executive Committee shall be elected for a period of one (1) year at the
Annual Meeting beginning in 1990.
h)(ii) No member may hold any one position of: President, Vice President, Vice President Administration,
Vice President of Recreational Teams, Vice President of Rep Teams for more than two (2) consecutive terms.
- The election of Officers shall take place at the Annual Meeting of the Association in the following order:
- President
- Vice President Administration
- Vice President Recreational Teams
- Vice President Rep Teams
- Treasurer
- Registrar
- Secretary
- Novice Directors (Recreational & Rep Teams)
- Atom Directors (Recreational & Rep Teams)
- Pee Wee Directors (Recreational & Rep Teams)
- Bantam Directors (Recreational & Rep Teams)
- Midget Director ( Rep Teams)
- Midget/Minor Junior Director ( Recreational Teams)
- Director of Female Hockey (Rep Teams)
- C.M.H.F. Delegate
- Director Hockey Development
- Initiation Program Director (Recreational)
- Voting for the election of Officers shall be by secret ballot. Each member in good standing shall have one vote for each
office to be filled.
- The election of Officers at the Annual Meeting shall be conducted by the Chairman of the Nominating Committee. He/she
shall appoint scrutineers and he/she shall vote only to break a tie.
- Election is all cases shall be by majority vote.
- In any case, wherein one or more of the required number to be elected fail to obtain a clear majority, the low candidate
shall be eliminated and another ballot called.
- In addition to the nominations by the Nominating Committee, any member may be nominated for office from the floor by any
two other members in good standing provided the consent of the member nominated has been obtained. Under such circumstances,
any member nominated from the floor, if present, may orally indicate his or her willingness to accept the nomination. If the
nominated member is not present, written acceptance of the nomination must be presented by the member making the nomination.
- In the event that a member is not able to attend a meeting, a member may exercise his or her vote by proxy.
- Any position not filled by election at the Annual Meeting of the Association, due to nonavailability of candidates, shall
be filled as soon as possible by the Executive Committee.
- Any vacancy that may occur within the Executive shall be temporarily filled by appointment within thirty (30) days by
the president until the next Annual Meeting, at which an election would otherwise be held or an appointment made for the office
Under no circumstances can a Nominating Committee member be offered for candidacy. Any person having aspirations of an
elected position must make his or her intentions known at the time of selection to the Nominating Committee and accordingly
decline membership.