- These Memorandum of Association and By-Laws may be amended only at the Annual Meeting or at a Special Meeting of the Association
called for that purpose.
- Proposed amendments to these Memorandums of Association and By-Laws must be mailed out to all members at least fourteen
days in advance of the date of the meeting at which they are to be considered.
- Any member may submit in writing to the Association Secretary, proposals for amending these Memorandums of Association
and By-Laws and the Secretary shall bring any such proposals to the attention of the Executive Committee.
- These By-Laws or any of them may be amended, altered or revoked, and additional By-Laws may be added hereto in the manner
provided under chapter 286 of Societies Act, Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia 1967 and Amendments thereto.
Submission of all proposals for amending these Memorandums of Association and By-Laws must be delivered to the Secretary
of the Association by registered mail with a Return Card attached or by Licensed Bonded Courier no later than midnight on
March 1st of that season for the upcoming Annual General Meeting normally to be scheduled for May of that season.