The assignment and transfer of players to teams shall be done through and by the Divisional Director.
The transfer of a player, particularly one involving the assignment of the player to a lower category within
the division, shall at all times be carried out with discretion and with thoughtful consideration of the player concerned.
Any player considered to be of the ability too great for the in-house league of his division, who for whatsoever
reason refuses to play at the competitive level, may be placed in the next higher division of the Recreational League.
Any player, who resigns his/her position on a competitive level team for his/her own reasons, shall not be placed
on a lower level competitive team in his/her division, but will be placed in the next highest in-house division.
The Executive Committee shall each year, in the form of a directive establish cut off dates for the selection
of competitive teams.
Parents of registered players who wish to have their child try out for a representative (competitive) team must
express this desire to the Association by indicating in the space provided for this purpose on the registration form.
All players wishing to tryout for a competitive team must try out for the top team in their division. If unsuccessful, they then try out for the second highest competitive team.
This process continues until the player is successful. Players unsuccessful
in making a competitive team will be placed in a house league as determined by the Executive.
All players wishing to try out for a competitive team must reside in the area as outlined in Article 3, Locality,
unless approved at the Annual Meeting or a specially called meeting of the membership, giving two weeks notice in writing. Such specially called meeting will be held prior to September 1 in any calendar year.